Saturday, January 28, 2012

from my sis with luv.........

My sis juz come back from hat yai(my hometown,my mom actually)....she's like to pampered me... And it so is it she bought me a most prettiest than other my handbag collection That i already had....she's also give me some hair treatment.....thankz my sis...norina

i will reblog about my personal stuffies too........

its seems a lot of thing to do along dis week and dis month..sometimes,it might be we dont have enough time to do dear pleasure,i hope i can handle dis stress and workload =D..............

Friday, January 20, 2012

million of thought.....

actually,o lot of thing i need to reblog but when im stay infont of dis,tottally forgot what ive wanna to say...i hate dis..huhuhu~

Saturday, January 14, 2012

tentang dia

rasanya lama x ceritakan tntg kami..hubungan ni mmg istimewa..terus terang,aku pernah cuba utk lari kepada cinta lain,sama juga jdoh kami masih lg panjang...mungkin dulu terlalu muda,mentah lg,ikutkan kata hati yg panas semakin lama,alamdulillah,semakin kuat cinta ni bertahan,aku selalu ada untuk dia,dia pun selalu ada untuk aku...aku amat menyintai dirinya wlpn mulut aku sukar nak cakap..byk keistimewaan pada dia buat aku rasa selamat bila bersamanya..aku mohon pada allah,dia lah jodoh aku nanti....sekarang ni,aku akan terus menjaga dirinya sehingga habis hayat ni...doa ku tiap kali sujud adalah dia jodoh aku..kesabaran dia buat hati aku memang terpaut..dia memang lelaki terbaik pernah aku jumpa..aku x tau knp hari ni aku rasa sangat nak luahkan semua ni kat sini...tapi itulah hakikatnya yang terpendam dalam hati......memang ada perancangan dlm masa terdekat untuk jadikan hubungan ni lebih serius,moga allah permudahka segalanya...dah hampir 6 tahun,aku rasa aku dah cukup mengenalinya...............
'atas restu Allah,ku harap kamu menjadi yang terakhir bagiku
ku ingin milikku..............'

Friday, January 13, 2012

can forgive but not to forget...

kdg2 dis statement mcm kejam...tnylah wanita atau manusia mana pun,dia mampu memaafkan slh seseorang tp x pnh lupakn kslhn tu...i mean,sntiasa di fkrn cma x diluah dan di,bila kita nk lupa sesuatu yg myakitkan hati pernah jd dlm idup,napa org trsbt perlu menganggu idp kita lg...wlpn on the other side,aku turut terasa...nt x bg,kata halang plak...buat tiap kali aku nampak,aku menyampah...dah terlalu byk sgt kesushan terutama dari segi mental aku terganggu bertahun lamanya...mgkn aku terlalu ikutkan rasa hati,tp bila tengok cerita ombak rindu,memang betul bukan aku je rasa mcm tu,semua org..ati aku tercalar lagi...walaupun bukan masalah cinta,karier,tapi hal tu tetap buat jiwa aku merana...aku memang dah rasa langsung x bila fikir secara profesional,siapa dia nak banding dgn aku,dari segi rupa memang dia langit,aku ni tanah bumi yg orang pijak...tapi aku tetap ada cra aku sendiri....moga ada karma yg datang dlm idup kamu,baru kamu akan tahu mcm mana rasanya..........

Thursday, January 12, 2012

my rutin be rigbt back to normal...

my rutin will back to usual...everyday,wake up ear;y in the morning by 6 o'clock and my lil brother put me into trouble becouse he's very close wif me cos im always pampered him damn,damn much..absolutely,office hour around 9 till 6 p.m...offday saturday and sunday(time to hang out wif boyfie), i have to prepared and not to picky to buying a new stuff such as handbag(dat can afford to bring ipad,fon,purse,etc)...most important thing is to buy a pair of new shoes because before dis(when stdying at Melaka),i love to buy voir,vincci and nose brand...but,since im graduate,totally im get bored wof that brand cos its always produced and make same pattern(my opinion) and im decided to stop my addicted to buying new shoes..but,its also put me into trouble because to survive on my career,its compulsory for me to manae and concern more about my boyfie and family have started to nagging at me and they dont want me to always put 'glue gum' at my shoes,im already decide to shopping at least two pair formal shoes for dis month.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

my feet was swollen stung by something....

actually i have no clue about dat,until im going tothe clinic...before dis im always get bitten by something weird..but the end,i've got clue and doktor was told me dat i have stung by poisonous insect..when i went to clinic,the doctor was give me an injecktion and after few hours from dat,i feel like wanna to got viral fever..dats such ruin my day,my mood and of cos its also give big impact on my health becos im not very well again......apart from dat,im pray to Allah to give me good helath and my future pallning was to get better life wif my boyfie,my famliy and my career and also i'll like to spent some money for vacation(according to doctor im always MUst or compulsory release my mind from any matter at least once a year)........i hope dat......