Saturday, December 31, 2011

besday MIA

thn ni ceria sikit,auntie and unc;e ksygn aku da move in Kulim,before dis they satyed at,my uncle will be transfer to penang so,finally SIREH PULANG KE GAGANG...hepi itulah,anak auntie ADAM RAYYAN RIZQI(1 THN 6 BLN) and,my lil bro HAZIQ RAYYAN(1 thn 10 bln) jmpa,mmg huru hara dunia ni..kekeke..mmg nakal bdk2,tp best...sejuk ati bila balik keja,tgk muka diorang...innocent je..tiap ujg thn,time uncle blk jer,of cos kena dgn besday anka sulung uncle,MIA(amirah qistina)...27/12/2011 besday MIA yg ke (..pakcik request nak bt party kecil-kecilan..jus invite jiran sebelah and my relative,as usual,my task is to prepare the dish..finally.i'll make dicision to bake some blueberry cheese tart and apam polkadot..and main dish adalah nasi beriani batu pahat(kuning) wof ayam masak madu wif,semua makanan mlm to licin dan semua dapat tambah untuk second round..tu pun masa tu aku x berapa sihat,klu sihat lg macam-macam aku nak buat,tp kesihtan ni x mengizinkan..masa tgh prepared all da dishes pun,pala aku dah my loved cousin,AMIRAH QISTINA BT SHUKRI...semoga menjadi anak yg baik,belajar rjin2...i hope u become pewaris kakngah...amin..

to whom it may concern...

life is complicated and unfair..about anything....if i can change my time,i will turn out everything.....sebenarnya,ni kisah somebody yg always blame me for everything she has done wif me...its also ruin my day and KAMU,menyesali kesilapan kamu yg dulu x dpt nk ubah segalanya lagi melainkan kamu bersihkan hati dan terima hakikat 'everything happen for a reason' also have a wonderful life wif my loved 1,wif my family and wif everything i,dont put me into ur basket also...if u really love him,pls take care for him and stop humiliate me and insult me...kesabaran org ada batasnya..he's just my bestfriend since before..for your happiness,i will go away from dis friendship...i hope both of u will be happy there^^...